To take on notice

To take on notice
28 Oct — 18 Nov 2023

SODAS 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania
Organised by: Architektūros fondas

Experiments’ Platform is an initiative of Architektūros fondas that operates as an incubator for unique and only yet emerging ideas. Providing the necessary educational, community-based and practical networks as its environmental learning conditions, it seeks to help young spatial practitioners to develop their ideas, research and projects—experiments—at an initial stage. The educational part of the learning environment consists of a group of mentors, carefully selected to handle each cycle of Experiments’ Platform, who are seen as supporting guides, helping participants to navigate their personal experiments. The second, community-based part includes selected participants: young spatial practitioners seeking to develop their projects during the cycle of experimentation. 

The third cycle of Experiments’ Platform invites you to join it’s annual exhibition opening and the following discussion panels of mentors and participants.

Collaboration with LINA fellows

Read the publication here

In the third season of the Experiments Platform, Eglė Kliučinskaitė, Vika Pranaitytė, Magdalena Beliavska and Ervinas Blažys reflects on the practices of environmental observation and self-care from different perspectives in individual projects. Their discoveries are based on experiments, untested methods and trials and tribulations, which were overcome together with a team of mentors which included LINA fellows, who worked together for five months: the French architect and visual artist Tevi Allan Ston Mensah and the architect and researcher Max Utech, a member of “Palace of Un/Learning”. The mentor team is also joined by the TAAT art collective and Aiste Ambrazevičiūtė, a digital artist and architect practicing experimental architecture.

Related fellows

Tevi Allan Mensah
Tevi Allan Mensah
I am an architect and a visual artist based in France. My work is divided between projects (within the framework of individual competitions, or under …

Bernadette Krejs / Max Utech
Bernadette Krejs / Max Utech
Bernadette Krejs (PhD) is an architect/researcher currently based at TU Vienna (Housing and Design). Her work moves in a transdisciplinary field between architecture, housing and …

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