S AM Radio

From 7–14 September 2024, Basel will be hosting the second «Architekturwoche Basel» (Basel Architecture Week), a biennial festival for architecture involving various institutions throughout the city. As the S AM’s contribution to the festival program, we will be hosting a temporary radio station in our spaces that will both reflect and add to the various discussions that will be taking place during the week. Comprising both a physical space of encounter and a distributed space on the (digital) airwaves, the radio station will explore the relationships between space, acoustics, and society through a continuous program of live recordings, pre-recorded segments, and field recordings from around Basel and beyond.
Collaboration profiles
The S AM would like to work with three LINA fellows this year to develop audio essays and interventions that will be presented as part of the radio project mentioned above. The contributions will be developed in conversation with the curatorial team of the S AM as well as the program curators for the radio station. We are interested in collaborating with practitioners interested in the intersection between sound and space, or otherwise keen about using the acoustic medium as a way to investigate themes surrounding architecture and spatial phenomena. Fellows should ideally have some experience using audio editing software (or a willingness to learn), and prior engagement with audio as a creative medium is a plus.