Influences from Governmentalities on Livelihood

In 2016 I graduated as architect and city planner in Brazil. Beginning of 2023 I completed successfully my master degree in architecture at TU Vienna, with the guidance of Dr. Sabine Knierbein and collaboration of Dr. Michael Obrist and Dr. Juliana Canedo, reflecting of rights of livelihood. Since 2021 I work at YEWO LANDSCAPES (Vienna) as part of Urban Design Team. Since then, earning experience on planning and designing not only in Vienna but specially in Aspern Seestadt Nord, as I’m involved for 2 years actively in the project. Born and raised in Jaboticabal (BR), intrigued by the immigration story of my grandparents to Brazil and the iconic history of Red Vienna, I decided to not only get to know Austria, as well as to learn the local culture and to do the master at TU Vienna. After graduating in 2016, I focused to learn German in Vienna and in 2020 I started the Master studies in Architecture.
Actual plans focus on doctoral study also at the TU Vienna in 2024. Meanwhile, I aim to create networks and continue investigating in order to narrow my master research topic. My goals with doctoral studies is not only to expand further awareness and rethink with coming generations of architects and city planners about consequences from the predominant economic system and how spaces are being produced, as well as to connect with other professionals and political agents in order to develop plans that could change the daily struggles of many, to mitigate environmental hazards, to learn and exchange experiences and, ideally, to follow academic career. To continue investigations/analysis on society dynamics, city adaption to climate change, collaborative regional plan, alternative economy, ways of living of other communities and their livelihoods. I search for events, groups of studies and to expand network with experts that also question predominant ways of living (consuming, working, production) and look for just cities, living with dignity as long-term inclusive plan.
Why there are so many people facing food and home insecurity and living without dignity? What are the gaps between what is taught in architecture and city planning school and the reality of so much social inequity, daily struggles for many people and environmental hazards? How could we as architects and city planners be more active and improve living without compromising the well being of future generations and nature? Those are some of the questions that intrigue me for some time, leading me to start my investigation during my theoretical master research, etc.
This theoretical work aimed to understand about what else is involved besides design or planning and how such aspects are (sometimes complexity) related with each other. To analyse possible influences from governmentality on the rights of livelihood; achievement of work democracy, affordable housing, safe food, living dignity and sustainable ecology. How to guarantee that people and nature can grow together and occupy spaces today and in the future? Developed from empirical investigation about what is governmentality and what is livelihood were there basis of it.Furthermore,to analyse how far planning and housing programs were truly accessible for the society and how possibly struggles today could be related and consequence from historical events.To interview experts from Rio de Janeiro and Vienna were also relevant to understand different perspectives.
Most successful aspects were the knowledge comprehension earned, analysis and reflections about how to start next steps, and emerging of new critical questions. I see that just like once we had to rethink city planning because of salubrity in order to avoid pests (brief example), we find ourselves in drastic review times involving society dignity, well-being and nature security –planning for all lives. My idea now is to expand connection and exchange ideas in order to develop the next step of not just my doctoral research but also in order to get in action