Aigua Sana

Gonzalo Martin
Martín Gallego is a creative tandem currently working in Barcelona. Ana and Gonzalo approach to urban issues in a sensitive and constructive way.
They are strongly focused on the role of nature in the increasingly artificial cities where we live nowadays. Through their interventions -such as Aigua Sana- they let natural elements regain its place in the urban environment in a very physical way, encouraging people to join and rethink their public spaces.
The city couldn't be that hard. Every day we realize that current cities as it is designed do not work. Cities must respond to our friendly and organic nature. We are fragile; soft beings that need a supportive and pleasant environment to survive. From an environmental sustainability point of view, cities must become permeable and porous again. Allow the water to flow and absorb the soil without overheating the sun. Cities need to return to land and water instead of hard asphalt.
We propose a new approach to the urban model whose main aim is to place people at the center of decision-making, that takes into account a variety of experiences that happens every single day in the cities, which would be seen as a place that cares about us and our environment and allows us to care about ourselves and others.
Aigua Sana will be a new method to think about the design process when making cities, that rediscovers the dynamic spirit of water, offering new uses and functions in public spaces that guarantee the sustainability of the urban model and the ecological connection of the spot. As a new way to perceive water, perception and collective imagination are restored, reconnecting with nature. The goal is to strengthen and respect the identity of a place that has lost its origins and heal it. Our generation must recuperate consideration and empathy for the landscape.
Whether we confine our environment by shaping it to our will, leave it to its natural processes or exploit it to satisfy our needs, Aigua Sana emerges as an alternative for the community, introducing water as a building material that constructs nature in our urban development, accepting that there is an alternative to thicks cities, providing new uses and functions that guarantee the ecological connectivity of the whole territory. This ephemeral intervention creates a new image of the city which strengthens the idea about other contemporary cities could be possible.