Cities Connection Project

the two architects with extensive experience in the dissemination of architecture (FAD_Barcelona Awards), the curating of international awards (Distinction Romande d'Architecture), university teaching (UdG) and the management of alternative cultural platforms (Barcelona Architecture Support Agency, with Irma Arribas).
Cities Connection Project aims to generate a network of connected European cities through the selection and comparison of public architecture projects carried out in recent years, in all their variants, in heterogeneous contexts and involving in the debate cultural agents, creative platforms, public institutions and the multidisciplinary studios that are the authors of the projects.
Each "connection" involves a group exhibition in each of the participating cities, accompanied by a series of debates, lectures, guided tours and knowledge exchange, articulated around a new theme, related to the specific characteristics of the invited city, with the clear desire to generate synergies between public institutions, universities, cultural entities and, above all, the participating architecture studios.
This continuous exchange between participants generates a shared knowledge that helps to understand different ways of dealing with the problems of the contemporary city, while at the same time generating a cross-cultural debate between cities from different cultural backgrounds.