Architects4Future - more than climate strikes!

Our organically growing network now stands at about 800 active A4F-members in more than 40 local groups and many working divisions. Local groups are actively laying ground for healthy construction principles in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, UK, France, Portugal and Finland...
We are not just architects, but people with different professions withing the building industry.
Another 4Future Group? Yes!
The building sector is responsible for around 40% of global CO2-Emissions. The decision for healthy and resource-conscious buildings is determined by political and economical aspects as well as the interest of investors, cities, municipalities and other politicians. To influence these decisions, it needs a general awareness of the necessity and beauty of ecologically sustainable and socially equitable built environments.
The potential for a positive change is enormous. Our goal is to make this potential visible and change possible. Similar to Scientists4Future we are an open and agile collaboration with expertise from various professions from the building industry and aim to be the backup for political demands. We create content in the way of open letters, petitions, events, festivals, exhibitions, surveys, speeches, working groups and many more.
In our founding year 2019 we started with stating 7 demands to the building industry. The first one demands to "Appreciate the existing and take demolition as the last option". E.g. we launched a nationwide survey in 2020 to understand what prevents colleagues from renovating, converting and extending existing buildings, and what the specific obstacles are. The 56-page report was received with great interest by the industry. After that we proposed a solution with 7 proposal for a change in the German building law to overcome these obstacles.
We started the year 2021 by submitting a petition with concrete calls to political action to the German Bundestag, supported by around 60.000 signees.
In cooperation with other institutions and organizations like GermanZero, we work on frameworks that enable holistically sustainable construction. Everyday our volunteers work to collaborate, network and raise awarness.
We dream of discussing our visions on a European level. In order to implement the building transformation on a broad scale, far beyond pilot projects.