Another Chance. Built Heritage Adaptive Reuse

Maddalena Ferretti
Giulia Gennaretti
Gianluigi Mondaini
Architect and Engineer. I have a master degree in building engineering and architecture, obtained at Marche Polytechnic University with a thesis on the Buffer Zone Unesco of Villa Adriana, and a Master in Museography, Architecture and Archaeology. I studied as Erasmus+ applicant in Lisbon. As a student I was pro-active mamber of my community, contributing to organise exhibition, study-trip and conferences as part of student collectives, activities that led me to start phd and research career.
I recently obtained a PhD title in Architecture with a research on the adaptive reuse of the built heritage at Marche Polytechnic University, where I actually practice as a researcher and as assistant to didactic programmes to various courses and workshops, as part of the Academic Research Group "Hub for Heritage and Habitat" and as assistant coordinator of the activities of the Digital Prototipation Lab "Fab-Hub".
I also collaborate to the research and didactic activities of:
- Accademia Adrianea di Architettura Onlus as didactic tutor and assistant; and I - TEMP-, inter-university research group that investigates post-emergency temporariness in fragile Italian territories;
- VILLARD, itinerant architectural design seminar.
As a researcher, I develop studies on the themes of urban regeneration and the adaptive reuse of the built heritage, through theoretical and 'research by design' approaches, with the participation to various national and international design workshops and design competitions, with a continuous production since the student career, through collaboration with professional and academic design groups, with increasing coordination and management roles over time, obtaining prizes and mentions at national and international level.
Another Chance is set as a case study research on recent examples of creative reuse of built heritage for public or private/public uses. The case study methodology applied is developed using various tools - photographs, historical analysis, re-drawing, data analysis, writings - that together frame a storytelling of each project. The results is a mapping of european recent innovative cases of reuse for public uses; aim of the research is to raise awareness and promote the adaptive reuse as a strategic practice in public urban affairs that address environmental and sustainable development of our cities.
Further developments of the research go on the direction of enriching the mapping with further case studies and to develop a 'design tool' able to help public policy makers and designers to adopt more and more reuse strategies instead of demolition/reconstruction ones.
Personal development of the research is conducted also with research by design tool, through design competitions and local administration consultancy.
Future applications of these studies are intended as promotion of heritage-led reuse and urban regeneration policies and programmes, in this sense participation international research programmes is a way to foster reuse and the conscious use of resources also at local level.