SONDER (Peter Behrbohm & Anton Steenbock
New strategies for municipal conflict care

SONDER (Peter Behrbohm & Anton Steenbock)
Berlin, Germany / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
SONDER is an amoebic company, offering tools to refine conflicts - we intervene in public spaces and discourses with obstacles and counter-narratives.
Team members
Peter Behrbohm
Anton Steenbock
Field of work
Architecture, Design, Visual Art, Film, Research
Project category
Public space
Project submitted

Peter Behrbohm is a Berlin-based artist and architect. Individually as well as in collective constellations, he explores future conflicts and speculative societies, designs operative obstacles and installs counter-institutions. His works are surgical interventions in public spaces, routines and discourses, in which he implants parallel realities that are subsequently colliding with everyday life. Among others, he received the "BDA-SARP-AWARD" by the Association of German Architects, the "Elsa Neumann Stipendium" (2016) or the "MAK Schindler Stipendium Los Angeles" (2019).

Anton Steenbock works deal with capitalism as a sculptural force and the question of how increasingly complex economic structures affect and sustainably shape nature and society. His interventions consist of fake architecture projects, showrooms and widely spread advertisement campaigns. Thereby aiming to trigger political consciousness for urban and environmental changes as well as enterprise acquisitions in public spaces like Google street view and sharing economy apps such as Uber, Coop, and AirBnB.

The Berlin-based company SONDER offers a cutting edge treatment for your town that lets you experience its streets and squares in a way it had never been experienced before. To verify our promise, we introduce a brand new combination of soft cleaning techniques and the installation of aggression-reducing vandalism repliques in public spaces. In accordance with the Japanese Sharawadgi, artificial disorder is introduced into the cityscape at specific places, while fine-cleaning measures are be carried out simultaneously. This allows us to not unilaterally solve the conflict-ridden balance of mutual disorder and its ordering disturbance that has shaped your place for decades, but to subject this conflict to cautious care.


SONDER (Peter Behrbohm & Anton Steenbock)
SONDER (Peter Behrbohm & Anton Steenbock)
Peter Behrbohm is a Berlin-based artist and architect. Individually as well as in collective constellations, he explores future conflicts and speculative societies, designs operative obstacles …

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