
Davide Casaletto
Leonardo Dalla Rosa
Matteo De Zardi
Iacopo Predieri
Fluidiforme is an informal laboratory and research project founded in 2020 by Antonino Caridi and Davide Casaletto, that investigates the meaning of contemporary space according to the evolution of social, economic, environmental and digital issues.
As a fluid practice, Fluidiforme strives to merge the scientific and artistic through a multidisciplinary approach. The complexity of questions currently faced by the design process demand the use of new tools.
The educational process comes from the comparison, the recognition and acceptance of the other. In its social sense, education finds its space where the society meets: in the piazza, primordial spatial and social experience with which the human being confronts itself, discovering the diverse. However, the idea of education has undergone a progressive crystallization process. A numbness towards a linear, static, finished ritual. A process that denies the plurality of experiences and whose spatial declinations are often conventional, codified and confined.
A new plural, fluid, postmodern world imposes the rediscovery of education as an open and participated process. The transfiguration of this new paradigm takes on unexplored characters, which require the abandonment of rigid lines, in favour of a less deterministic architectural experience.
Flânerie works in this theoretical framework. An outdated idea of education as a process of inculturation that transmits and conforms needs to be replaced by a paradigm able to cultivate the subject in its singularity and unrepeatability.
Flânerie is abandoning the conceptualization of education as a fixed, stable and unique to embrace an open, dynamic, constantly evolving process.
The objective of the educational project - and with it the spatial project that is its immediate physical transposition - is the formation of original, autonomous and creative individuals. The goal is to educate to the complexity: complexity of the ego and its change, complexity in the relationship with others and with society.
Flânerie is a social and spatial open experience, where the user can find himself through a free movement into the unknown, discovering the context and making community.