queer, solutions

Brazilian-Luxembourger Architect (UDESC and Universidad de Sevilla, 2014), and M.Sc. Urbanism, History and Architecture of the City (UFSC, 2016), based between Belgium and Brazil. Interested in the complexity and the unfolding of queer theory and memory in architecture, and the theoretical and practical means for a critical spatial practice. Contributed with text, design and talks in ArchDaily, Vitruvius, and Architects Union, Brazil. Co-director of muq, an architecture, psychoanalysis and museum studies practice based between Belgium and Brazil that experiments ‘museum as practice’, ranging from exhibitions, design and curatorial projects to workshops and theoretical production. Muq has integrated several exhibitions and events such as the Post-pandemic Exhibition with “Queer Counter-archives” at Museu da Escola Catarinense (MESC, 2022), the 3rd The Wrong Biennale (International-online, 2021) and the Psychology and Grief Seminar (Univali-2021) with “Grief”.
Tutor of the workshop “Soft Storm” on queer monuments at the 23 International Design Week – University of Antwerp and Fine Arts Academy – Antwerp (2023). Artistic Jury (2023) of the 2nd EDIQ Congress, and an Artistic Exhibition Fellow (2022) with the multimedia installation “Exception Tectonique”, at Université Laval (Québec, CA, 2022). Graphic Design Leader, Editor, and Archivist at B612architectes (Brussels, BE, 2022-23), part of the winning team of design competitions and the copywriter of Construction21 Green Awards for Écoles Charmille-Schuman and Uccle Architecture Prize. Winner of the Elisabete Anderle Award (Brazil, 2021) for the collective artistic-architectural research and short-movie funding “Paisagem Tendência”. Active member of Arquitetura Bicha, reference in the discussion of queer architecture in Brazil. Curator and creator of Paralela Arquitetura e Artes, awarded by the Brazilian Council of Architecture and Urbanism (2018) and Catarinense Foundation for Culture (2017).
The project “queer, solutions” aims to raise awareness of innovative queer-based practices and their approaches towards environmental crisis to architectural circuits and means of diffusion. The goal is to create a collection of four interviews and visual archives of projects, ideas and concepts that queer design solutions to environmental crisis. Queer-based practices are led by queer people and/or those practitioners who use queer theory, gender and sexuality studies to tackle problems in architectural and urban design, queering their technical and conceptual design solutions.
“queer, solutions” commits to queer archival practices and the need for producing written and visual material to support further exhibitions and publications, both in-house and with partners. As architectural practices and academy advance in the debate of technical and conceptual solutions towards environmental crisis, queer agenda seems often left aside – both by structural prejudice and by a growing lack of interest of institutions and companies to grant conceptual-based research over solutions leading to the making of new products. When it comes to funding resources, environmental crisis research often overlaps queer-based practices, bypassing the opportunity to present our own solutions.
In this matter, “queer, solutions” aims to listen and register how queer-based practices design to and think about a post-extractivist, sustainable and efficient environment and society by queering architectural design and rejecting the progressive industrial and patriarchal agenda that keep leading our planet to urban inequality and an unsustainable environment.
“queer, solutions” is inserted in the “queer, matter” program of muq, an architecture, psychoanalysis and museum studies queer-based practice working between Belgium and Brazil, with goals of expansion in near future to other territories both in Northern Europe and Portuguese-speaking countries.