SOUND IT. Radio Antecâmara

Pedro Campos Costa
Soraia Fernandes
Carla Lopes
Ivan Prego
Ana Viegas
RÁDIO GALERIA ANTECÂMARA is a project of cultural creation and programming managed by the ASSOCIATION ANTECÂMARA (AC), which utilizes both a GALLERY and a RADIO as complementary means of communication.
Its main purpose is the creation, dissemination, promotion and discussion of topics related to architecture, always considering the cultural dimension of the discipline, particularly in its social and human aspects.
The cultural programming of AC intertwines and complements the physical events of the GALLERY with the virtual events of the RADIO. The program at GALERIA ANTECÂMARA includes various formats such as exhibitions, workshops, conversations, events, dedicated cycles, etc., involving participants from diverse areas, reaffirming the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of architecture. RÁDIO ANTECÂMARA, on the other hand, combines interdisciplinarity with a willingness to address current societal issues, fostering the creation and research of new contemporary discourses voiced through podcast broadcasting.
With almost 3 years of content production on architecture, RÁDIO ANTECÂMARA currently boasts 23 programs, 220 episodes, over 85,000 clicks, approximately 500 hours of broadcast, and involves over 20 authors and numerous guests. In 2022, it was invited to conduct a 6-month residency at Garagem Sul/Centro Cultural de Belém, giving life to the exhibition "Sound it. Rádio Antecâmara", featuring a sound installation involving the recording studio which, through a differentiated weekly program (50 episodes and 150 guests), continued to reflect on the discipline of architecture in a comprehensive and extensive manner. (
The reach of the program developed by the AC has been recognized by several institutions with which collaboration projects have been established, such as the Junta da Freguesia de Arroios, Prata da Casa, Listening Biennal and the Direção Geral das Artes (receiving support).
The 6 months residency in 2022 of the AC at Garagem Sul/CCB, gives life to the exhibition SOUND IT. RÁDIO ANTECÂMARA: an immersive and thought-provoking experience that transcended the conventional boundaries of such events.
The heart of the exhibition was a triangular recording studio made entirely of cardboard, serving as the heartbeat of the residency and the hub for Rádio Antecâmara's diverse programs, broadcasted live each week. They brought together a myriad of voices including artists, architects, landscapers, musicians, etc. Through unconventional narratives, like dialogues, interviews, readings, humor, and even moments of silence, the radio broadcasts delved deep into contemporary society and explored the profound influence architecture exerts on our lives.
Expanding beyond the traditional visual representations, Sound It artfully demonstrated that architecture is not confined to physical structures but rather a medium that shapes culture, society and human interactions. It also revealed that architecture encompasses a multitude of perspectives, serving as a catalyst for reflection, discussion, and critical thinking.
Around the recording studio, a long elliptical path, also entirely made of cardboard, reinforces the non-use of traditional images in favor of sound. Attendees were invited to listen actively, engaging their senses and imagination in the process. The immersive experience, enhanced by João Galante's sonorous installation, blurred the lines between sound and materiality, creating a captivating journey of discovery. This subjective exploration of an invisible architecture, perceived through sound, expanded the understanding of the discipline.
Through Sound It, AC not only showcased the profound power of architecture but also proved its commitment to foster diverse voices and create a more inclusive and interconnected community. It also testifies the potential of radio as transformative mediums for driving social change.