Jorge Moita
Since 2005, Jorge Moita created and developed a studio and a production system based in the Women´s Jail of Tires, Portugal. The project gained immediate inside the Minister of Justice, recognition and profile, giving birth to a range of high-end ethos products, developed in a low-tech environment, and making evidence of the challenges designers, companies and society can experience in the turn of the Century.
The project provided a social eco, far behind bars, from the workers to other Jails and into the community of design,and made possible projects that ranged from commissions to pieces and complete collections on special
request. From designing Fabrics, to clothing, finished containers of the Portuguese re-invented and branded innovation status.
Social & Contextual Design Research Studio that implements circular models in its conceptually strong and visually inspiring creations. It combines the base reuse of materials replicating without scale methods solutions across social innovative co-creations with the training and empowerment of vulnerable groups, such as the Pilot Project with the community of women over 50 in Marvila Community of ONG; AGIR XXI & the National Museum of Contemporary Art and the Architecture Trienale of Lisbon