Urban Oasis 2030

Urban Oasis 2030
Render image created by me
My project is a modular passenger shelter system created to combat urban heat islands with passive cooling elements, including evaporative cooling.

Adam Teket
Budapest, Hungary
I am Adam Teket, a designer and engineer based in Budapest. I am passionate about my city as a researcher and urban planner.
Team members
Adam Teket
Field of work
Architecture, Design, Urban planning
Project category
Project submitted

My name is Adam Teket, I am a designer from Budapest, Hungary. I graduated as an industrial engineer at the Budapest University of Technology (BME), and currently I study at MOME Budapest as a Master of design student.

My primary passion is urban studies and urban design. (I am a researcher of my city as well, primarily about 20th century architecture and urban liveability .)

Climate change has a direct impact on our everyday lives: the urban heat island effect is a well-known microclimatic phenomenon that, in connection with summer heat waves, not only worsens our well-being, but also demonstrably increases mortality. My diploma project is a modular passenger shelter system created to combat against urban heat islands. In addition to the improved passenger information, the shelters primarily serve cooling and shading, which is also helped by several passive and low-consumption solutions, such as a terracotta cooling wall, porous pavement with mist nozzles, ventilation holes, PRC coating and plants. In addition to this, I intend to respond to the different locations with different constructional variations.