Max Passgang
Kimberly Rahn
Bernd Rokahr
Tatjana Sabljo
Paul Schomburg
Jörg Schröder
Melanie Weber
ressource.architektur is installed as a design build project by students. A cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony, the Association of German Architects in Lower Saxony BDA, BDB, BDIA, BDLA and the Building Culture Network of Lower Saxony, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape at Leibniz University Hannover and the Interior Design course at Hannover University of Applied Sciences.Is made possible by a large number of sponsors from the building industry.
In the design build project ressource.architektur, it quickly became apparent that there are many more issues at stake concerning the city, building and spaces to live in. The free space under the golden mats stands for new forms of space. They respond to changing lifestyles, forms and mixes of living and working, changing household forms - they offer spaces for community and spaces that each individual house gives to the city. They are flexible, open, robust, beautiful and full of character. And it is about affordability and accessibility in cities that must necessarily densify under the sustainability paradigm to make better use of infrastructures, not seal new ground and generate cultural, social and economic innovation through interaction. Spatial density must be combined with social density benefits, then it responds to new desires for community and sharing. The activities of ressource.architektur during the fair show that the issues of housing, use of resources and sustainable city are profoundly connected and how new approaches to them are necessary. Ressource.architektur demands: For innovation, architecture must come into play as a creative and research discipline.The Faculty of Architecture and Landscape works internationally on the sustainable design of the living spaces of the future. The commitment of the students - together with students from the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and with the interior design course there - is essential force for the installation ressource.architektur and the important debates on building and the city, for dialogue far beyond the university. The committed work of the architectural associations in Hanover and Lower Saxony opens up new perspectives for the role of practice in innovation processes; it develops admirable formats for communication and dialogue with the public, the building industry and politics; the initiative for the joint appearance came from the BDA.