Non Stop Hydroponics

Federica Mambrini
This office its involve whit active tools against climate change
According to the F.A.O (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 25% of agricultural soils worldwide are severely degraded.
Chile has a rainfall deficit in 70%
The proposed hydroponic production and research center aims to increase by 1800% (from 2.106m to 40.000m) the arable area, through a NFT system that is distributed along 117m in 5 levels, using for this 500 hydroponic cultivation chassis which increases the arable area from 1 to 70 m2To deal with this composition of ghettos, it is necessary have urban appropriation devices that give meaning to these gap spaces. The project proposes the use of these soils as a reminiscence agricultural, which through hydroponic cultivation scaffolding offers a dual solution by weaving the dimension urban with the agrarian dimension.