Nice to move out

I am a Ph.D. cadidate in architectural design theory. I have a BSc. degree in interior architecture and MSc. degree in architectural design theory.
My research is on subjectivity, it is an enquiry on nomadic way of subjectivity which could possibly allow to expand the conception of subjectivity in architectural design and spatial practices. My methodology varies from reading movies to making movies. I am making advantage of the film medium which has more visible layers of subjects -in comparaison to architecture.
I have been living in Spain for the last two years where I had first arrived as an Erasmus exchange student.
Prior to that, I used to work at Istanbul Bilgi University as a full time research assistant for 6 years.
As a researcher I organize and tutor workshops internationally.
I presented my work in international symposiums in Belgium, Portugal and Germany. Our recent collective work on a speculation of home has been exhibited at Women in Architecture Festival in Berlin in 2021. And last year my video installation "dunias" was publicly shown at ETOPIA Center for Art and Technology in Zaragoza, Spain.
The question has been growing out of the fact that every day it is becoming harder not to leave homes and eventually homelands. Having the environmental crisis at its center, people face various crisis, such as economic, political and social.
And the mainstream media and culture encourage us to become nomads, digital nomads, full-time tourists as if it was an easy and necessarily fulfilling style of life.
At this point, Braidotti's proposal of "female feminine nomadic subjectivity project" stands as a crucial theoretical framework to set up a creative-critical point of view.
Thanks to her writings, we might start to explore "becoming" liberated from fixed identities and therefore fixed knowledge.
Within the framework of this specific project, the given knowledge of experiencing and producing space is being questioned and reproduced.
The main objective is criticizing and challenging the long existing singular idea and conception of subjectivity in architectural theory and practice. The singular subjectivity in architecture and spatial practices have led the human relationship to space, building and construction in a wicked one, which is interestingly only about dwelling, therefore possession and therefore destruction.
So, in brief, the project is seeking multiple nomadic subjectivities in spatial practices which will hopefully imagine and create new ways of interacting with nature, home, and space. Those new ways will potentially challenge the fixed conceptions of dwelling and possession.
To explore various existing subjectivities in spatial practices, I will also design workshops where we find times and spaces of nomadism and how all the subjectivities relate within the given space.