Architecture as a tool for education

Three to four emerging creatives will work in Czech architecture schools in the peripheral regions on the future of architecture education, the housing crisis, the environmental impact of mankind and the built environment.
Universities taking part in the exchange: Faculty of Architecture, Technical University in Liberec; Faculty of Architecture, Technical University in Brno; Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice, Mendel University; and Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Plzeň.
LINA fellows collaboration
We chose the methodology of working closely together with schools of architecture - each of them different in their size, structure, and focus -, so that LINA Fellows will learn how to better present their project and make it useful for collaboration with young generation of future architects. They will learn how to organize various events for students, how to guide such an event and put them in the role of tutors, lecturers, or leaders of workshops.
Collaboration with Self-Office
Workshop on Participatory housing for Brno-Bohunice, 13–18 March 2023
Faculty of Architecture, Brno University of Technology
Collaboration with SO?
Rethink the Courtyard / Test drive in Brno
Lecture: 20 April 2023
Workshop: 21–23 April 2023
Faculty of Architecture, Brno University of Technology
Collaboration with SPIN Unit
Lecture and workshop, 25–26 April
Faculty of Architecture, Technical University in Liberec
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