What if? Book on community planning in modernist housing areas

The book "Re-Visiting Modernist Housing" explores the possibilities of community planning in the renovation of post-war housing estates. In 2023, in collaboration with the Estonian Academy of Arts, a workshop was held in Narva, a struggling industrial town whose housing stock was predominantly built in the 1960s-1980s. What elements tie the area into a coherent space? Is the renovation of residential buildings enough to improve the quality of life here and what modular systems could be used? Will a high quality, human-dimensioned urban space create a new community and transcend ethnic, linguistic, cultural and other barriers specific to Narva as well as many other cities in Estonia? The publication will explore the possible futures of those housing estates, the social and architectural dimension of the renovation as well as gives more comprehensive overview of the best practices in Europe.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
Selected LINA fellows are participating as authors of contributions to the publication, as well as the exhibition (October 2024).
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